Velvatex College of Beauty Culture
Velvatex College of Beauty Culture

Velvatex understands that the decision to further your education can be difficult so we want you to know that we make the enrollment process as easy as possible. We offer weekly classes and flexible schedules that allow you to pursue your training while still having time for yourself. You can call us at (501) 372-9678 for more information.
Velvatex reviews applications and admits students on a weekly basis. We encourage you to complete an online application for enrollment as seats do fill quickly. For post secondary enrollment: you must have a high school diploma or transcript showing proof of completion or GED in order to enroll. An appointment can be made to start the enrollment process and complete financial aid. Financial Aid is available to those that qualify. The FAFSA Application can be completed and is available below.
All paperwork (Application Form) must be completed and turned in one (1) week prior to start date to qualify.
Requirements include: Must be 16 years of age and completed your sophomore year of high school for secondary
- High School Diploma or GED,
- Social Security Card,
- Arkansas Drivers License or State ID,
- Resident Alien Card and two passport photos.
Get Started Below!
Get Started Below!
Clinical Service Hours
Thurs. & Fri: 9:30AM-5:30PM
Sat: 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Day Class Hours:Wed. - Sat. 8:30am-4:30pm
Night Class Hours: Wed. - Fri: 3pm-7pm
Sat. 8:30pm - 4:30pm